Skyfall Updated PowerPoint and Critical Essay Feedback

Timed Essay Feedback

Some general feedback on timed essay for climactic scene (individual feedback will be handed in to Mrs King tomorrow:

Overall Strengths

  • Some good analysis in these pieces, giving connotations and what they are used to highlight to the audience.
  • It’s clear you understand the film well, and provide clear knowledge of the characters, plot and techniques used.
  • You are able to comment on how Mendes uses film techniques to convey meaning.

Overall Areas for Development

  • Make sure your introduction refers to the question and the techniques you will discuss.
  • Refer to the question throughout.
  • Stick to ONE technique and example thereof in each paragraph.
  • Work on completing the essay in the allocated time – you should be practising at home.
  • Phrasing can sometimes be confusing – check your work carefully, and read over each paragraph under your breath as you finish them.
  • Use present tense when writing a critical essay, e.g. “Mendes uses…”
  • Always be specific – don’t just say “This shows us about Bond’s past.” WHAT about his past? Tell us!



3 thoughts on “Skyfall Updated PowerPoint and Critical Essay Feedback

  1. Miss for critical essays on Death of a Salesman, do you have to directly quote or can you refer to specific parts of the play?

    • It’s generally good to have a quote where you can analyse the dramatic techniques used, but a specific reference works as long as it’s something in particular, e.g. the use of Willie’s flashbacks as a narrative technique

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